Tuesday 19 July 2011

Deja Vu – Mumbai Bleeds, UPA Bungles!!!

Digi Raja does it again. While the country was still coming to terms with the grievous human tragedy caused by the barbaric act of Islamic Fundamentalism, Digvijay Singh rubbed salt into the wounds by saying that “ the involvement of Hindu Nationalist organizations could not be ruled out”.The Guru's statement came after his “Chela”, Rahul Gandhi put his foot into his mouth claiming that the government had stopped 99 percent of terror attacks since 26/11.

Gandhi's gaffe speaks volumes of his much touted education and possibly explains why he was shown the door by Cambridge. Under severe criticism for not participating in a single debate on matters of national importance in his 6 years as MP , the Prime Minister in waiting grabbed the first available opportunity and made a fool of himself .

Rahul's mentor Digvijay is a class apart. His each statement redefines the level to which a political party can stoop for vote bank politics. Last time when Mumbai had bled, Digvijay had belittled the sacrifices of martyr Hemant Karkare. This time he went a step further and disputed the affiliations of the perpetrators themselves. His comments were totally uncalled for as they not only show the country in poor light , but also weakens India's stand against Pakistan on the international stage. Unfortunately for the  Congress , Digvijay’s antics have badly boomeranged. Battered by unprecedented corruption, shaken by relentless terror attacks and bearing the brunt of rocketing inflation, the last thing the common man needed was an Insensitive politician playing the muslim card over the dead bodies of 21 innocent people.

The government hasn’t fared much better than the party. Our  prime minsiter always cuts a sorry figure when “exceptional circumstances “ force him to come out of his shell and face the media. Every terror attack is followed by the same statement “ The perpetrators will be brought to justice” .The alacrity with which Kasab is being brought to justice inspires great confidence in  government's intensions of handling terror.

Desperate measures call for desperate actions. The government has to give up it's “week knee approach” to terrorism if the blood shed has to stop.The government has to realize that Islamic terrorism is no longer just an external threat  because Islamic fundamentalism has become endemic within the country .Implementation of Uniform Civil Code should go a long way in tackling this growing menace.  Tough laws like POTA are needed for tackling the internal threat. Intelligence needs to be beefed up and  huge conventional armed forces should give way to tactical squads trained in Guerilla warfare

As far as external state sponsored terror is concerned, the government can do better than submitting an incorrect list of most wanteds to Pakistan. India has to look up to the way Isreal has gone about in dealing with Hamas and other fundamentalist groups. The time has come to take the bull by the horns.

PS: If you have managed to read through the post you might want to read Subramaniyan Swamy's views on this issue:


  1. Excellent Gratitude for the "Prime Minister in waiting".

  2. Passionate Blogging ....
