Wednesday 23 March 2011

Should he have walked off??

On a sultry summer afternoon, the Chepauk crowd watched in stunned silence as the Master trudged back to the pavilion. Braving the oppressive heat, the thirty thousand strong crowd had come to witness the much anticipated ton of tons. Instead they were treated to a display of integrity, that makes the little man so big in stature.

However by walking off in the referral age, Sachin seems to have opened the Pandora's Box. The jury is out on the Ricky Ponting brand of cricketers who insist on waiting for the umpire’s decision.

However let us give cricket a break and move on to the other hot topic that is jostling with cricket for the prime time slot on  news channels. The  embattled Manmohan Singh government is facing a fresh barrage of corruption charges. However Manmohan Singh the batsman cum captain refuses to walk off, despite being stumped on many occasions in the political arena. Instead, he is taking refuge under the referral system of Indian democracy-”The General Elections”. He believes that his General Elections victory in 2009 is a "not out" decision by the third umpire.

However, like the cricket referrals, the elections too are not devoid of flaws. In spite of clear indictment in innumerable scams, the incumbent Prime Minister may yet again crawl to a majority, thanks to coalition politics. Also, while a bad referral decision in cricket may cost a match, our country will loose thousands of crores of the taxpayers’ money if this Manmohan Singh government remains in the office.

 Manmohan Singh, like Sachin Tendulkar has long been venerated for being a man of impeccable integrity. However his obdurate justifications of all the scams and the shielding of the scam tainted ministers have done his reputation no good. It is hard to believe that one of the sharpest brains in the country was unaware of the thousands of crores being siphoned off under his very nose. How could he be ignorant of the crores being paid to MPs to protect his government.

Still, all is not lost for him. The Rajas and Kalmadis of his government will provide him enough opportunities to walk off the political pitch without waiting for the decision to be referred to the Indian Public. I hope that next time Dr Singh will take a leaf out of Sachin's book and will leave the political arena to the Ricky Pontings of Indian politics.

Monday 14 March 2011

Dhoni Bashing: Justified??

I felt so shattered by India's heart breaking loss to South Africa that I missed my early morning flight to Mumbai :P. However, while I am waiting at the airport for the next available flight,I would like to use this opportunity to finally make a foray into blogging. Needless to say , no topic would be better for my debute than " Dhoni Bashing":The country's favorite pastime.

Many of the questions that are being raised over Dhoni's captaincy have no merit.

1)He is being criticized for his timing of the batting powerplay with experts suggesting that he should have taken it when Sachin and Gambhir were going great guns. Well, he did take it when both the batsmen were on the crease. The batsmen were the ones who made a mess of it.
2)We all seem to have gone berserk over Nehra being chosen for the last over. Over the years Nehra has proved himself to be the best Indian Bowler in death overs, having won many crucial matches. An inside edge to the boundary wasn’t his fault. A spinner like Bhajji would have been smashed in the last over.
3)The shuffling of batting order. A couple of big hits from unpredictable Pathan's blade and I wouldn't be writing this blog.

I wonder how Dhoni Manages to evoke such mixed feelings of love and hatred in the Indian Public. One day he is decorated with titles like 'Captain Cool ' and 'The Most Successful Indian Captain', the next day his house is pelted. The Australians call this 'tall poppy syndrome'. When a poppy plant grows too tall, they lop its head off.

I feel that the Indian public see themselves in the “Plumber's son turned Millionare”. The average Indian draws inspiration from the Middle Class boy who redefined success and dreams of emulating him. At the same time, subdued in some corner of their heart is a feeling of envy for the one among us who now plays in Millions. We vent out this envy on Dhoni when India looses and we are jolted out of our dreams, back into the harsh reality.

I know my views won't go down well with most of the readers(Incase any one reads this in the first place :) ).But a bit of honest introspection with a cool mind and you will realize that my blog is not just a Mumbo-Jumbo.